High Standards
Attention to Equity
Distribution of students with access to advanced coursework in low vs. high poverty schools/districts.

About this data
The percent of students who have access to Advanced Placement, Dual and Concurrent Enrollment Opportunities disaggregated by high and low poverty districts demonstrates the difference in access across districts. In the charts below, the darker color represents the percent of high school students who took an Advanced Placement, Dual, or Concurrent Enrollment course, the lighter color represents the percent of schools that offer these opportunities to high school students. High Poverty Districts are defined as a district where 40 percent or more of students are eligible for free and reduced price lunch. Low Poverty Districts are districts where fewer than 40 percent of students are eligible for free and reduced price lunch.
While all students in Low Poverty Districts have access to AP courses, approximately 87% of students in High Poverty Districts have access. Students in High Poverty Districts also enroll in these courses at a lower rate compared to students in Low Poverty Districts.