Equity & Opportunity
Opportunity Gap
Measure of gaps in achievement and growth on state assessments by subgroups.

About this data
The Rhode Island Growth Model (RIGM) is a statistical model that measures each student’s academic growth based on state assessment results. Growth is expressed in Student Growth Percentiles (SGP). A student growth percentile describes a student’s current achievement relative to his/her academic peers who scored similarly on previous state assessments. For example, a student with an SGP of 80 showed more growth between state assessments than 80 percent of his or her academic peers. Percentiles range from 1 to 99 – a higher percentile is better, but a low percentile still signifies growth.
Rhode Island students have saw a sharp decline in SGP in the 2020-21 school year with overall growth returning to pre-pandemic levels in the 2021-22 school year. While overall growth has returned, we still see gaps across racial and socioeconomic groups.
NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic testing was not administered in the 2019-20 school year, which is why data are not presented for 2020.