Student Well-Being
Physical Wellness
Indicators of physical health:
Percent of school aged population with asthma.
Percent of children under 3 with high lead-blood levels.
Percent of school aged population that is food insecure.

About this data
Asthma data is obtained from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The data includes children age 17 and younger with asthma.
The amount of lead in blood is referred to as the blood lead level, which is measured in micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood (μg/dL). Publicly available data reports a cutoff for children with 5 micrograms per deciliter or greater to identify children with blood lead levels that are higher than most children’s levels. In 2021 the CDC changed their guidance to 3.5 μg/dL to identify children with blood lead levels higher than most children’s’ levels; however, publicly available data reports on a cutoff for children with 5 μg/dL or greater.
A household is food secure if there is access, at all times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members. Each year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) measures the extent and severity of food insecurity in households through a nationally representative survey (the Current Population Survey). These statistics are released in an annual report called "Household Food Security in the United States" and are based on a measure of food security derived from responses to questions about conditions and behaviors known to characterize households having difficulty meeting basic food needs.
Rhode Island has seen declines in these areas; however, more recent data is needed to determine if the declines have sustained.