Strong Governance
School-based Management
Percent of school leaders who report they have decision making authority on the following: allocation of instructional time and scheduling, resource expenditure and allocation, hiring, and teacher assignments.

About this data
The Education Accountability Act was passed in RI in 2019 with implementation of site-based management by the start of the 2021 school year. The intent of the act is to provide an increase in site-based management at the school level by broadening the responsibilities of the principal and school improvement teams (SIT).
This data is collected through SurveyWorks, a statewide school culture and climate survey that solicits feedback from educators, students, and families about strengths and challenges in their school communities. Results are available at the state, district, and school levels, allowing communities to see how stakeholders feel about everything from family engagement and school safety, to academic expectations for students and professional learning opportunities for educators. The survey is administered annually.
SurveyWorks collects annual information on the percent of Rhode Island school leaders who report they have decision making authority on the following: allocation of instructional time and scheduling, resource expenditure and allocation, hiring, and teacher assignments. The chart disaggregates the data by years worked in your current role at this school. Data indicates that administrators exhibit more decision-making authority the longer they are in their respective role.