Student Well-Being
Mental Wellness
Indicators of mental health:
Percent of students that feel a sense of belonging and connection to their school
Percent of students who indicate that stress has interfered with their ability to participate in school.
Number of mental health related emergency room visits in the state.

About this data
Sense of belonging and level of stress are measured through SurveyWorks, a statewide school culture and climate survey that solicits feedback from educators, students, and families about strengths and challenges in their school communities.
For these measures, responses are from the student survey for students in the 3rd - 12th grade. For Surveyworks disaggregated data, the "Other" category includes the following races/ethnicities: American Indian, Asian/Pacific Islander, and Native American. Additional information about Surveyworks can be found here.
The number of mental health related emergency room visits presents the number of 18-19 year olds who were treated in the Emergency Department for mental illness. Data is provided by the RI Department of Health.