Investment Priorities
Transparent Communication & Dissemination
Percent of families indicating their awareness and acknowledging the usefulness of the School Report Card.

About this data
In 2018, as part of the state’s updated system of school accountability under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the federal education law, Rhode Island created a new and user-friendly Report Card platform to make it easier for students, educators, and families to understand how their school community is performing. The Report Card platform displays a range of education data, including student performance, school-level spending, and SurveyWorks, the state’s annual school climate and culture survey. Parents respond to questions measuring the usefulness of the School Report Cards annually through SurveyWorks. Parent responses to these questions related to the School Report Card is included in the chart below. This data has remained consistent over the past two years.
Additional information about Surveyworks can be found here.